Website Of The Week: Montagu Primary School


Montagu Primary School’s website is a fantastic example of one of our new Schoool Jotter 2 websites. A slick, simple landing page leads you through to a cleanly-designed website for the Mexborough, Doncaster school that looks professional, stylish and interesting.
The menu bar at the top leads to a series of pages covering a simple breakdown of their curriculum, the school noticeboard detailing upcoming events and the work being done in each class.
What we particularly like is the Reading Corner:  In this you can find the Reading Blog, where pupils and teachers talk about the books they’ve just read, and others can add comments. The site is still quite new so there currently aren’t many comments – but we’d love to see this section grow and really encourage engagement between pupil, parent and school.
To view Montagu Primary School’s website, click here.