Ofsted updates and requirements: Websites

Category: Ofsted


Websites are fantastic tools to get information out, especially those that are easy to edit and update. This is especially so when Ofsted make updates to their requirements, meaning that you need to add more information to your school site.

To make sure you don’t miss these updates, we’ve covered the four main points below:

1. Parent View

Parent View is a site created by Ofsted to glean information from parents about the school their child attends.

“Schools should encourage parents to complete Parent View…”

Parents are asked for their opinions on 12 aspects of school life, from dealing with bullies to the quality of teaching.  Ofsted encourange schools to place the link to: www.parentview.ofsted.gov.uk on their website.

2. e-Safety

e-Safety is of key importance to Ofsted and they want to make sure that schools are educating not only pupils and teachers about this matter, but also the community.

“…raising awareness through school website or newsletters”

To show evidence of this, you should provide information on your website, for example, a dedicated page for e-safety, or promoting an e-safety event that you’ll be holding. You may also want to to upload your schools newsletter to your website, especially if you write about e-safety in this.

3. P.E and school sport

Inspectors may review details of a school’s P.E and sport provision.

“Inspectors may also review the details of a school’s P.E and sport provision on their school website prior to an inspection.”

It would therefore be best practise for you to have a dedicated webpage regarding P.E, the types of physical activities children partake in and if there are any after school sports clubs.

4. Safeguarding

Before an Ofsted inspector graces your door they will be doing some substantial research on how you safeguard children when using the internet. They will also be checking if there are any issues that they need to follow up on.

“Inspectors should ensure that they are informed about information available to the public, reported in the press or accessible on the internet, including that available on the school’s website. This may contain information related to safeguarding. Inspectors should therefore do a check on the internet as part of their pre-inspection planning to see whether there are any safeguarding issues, that may need to be followed up during inspection.”

Make sure you show how you safeguard at your school via information your website. Ensure that it’s easily accessible so that they can find the information quickly and easily.

Websites are not only looked at by Ofsted inspectors, usually they may be one of the first things that prospective parents will look at. Therefore you need a website that reflects the vision, values and ethos of your school. Also make sure you have the key information that they will need to know located on your website.

If the thought of having to update your site makes your heart sink, why not check out School Jotter – the quick and easy website management tool designed for teachers