School Jotter of the Week: Elloughton Primary School


Elloughton Primary School near Hull is a place ‘where children are happy and want to be’, according to the introduction on the Homepage of their school website. Everything about the website reflects this statement, both in terms of the design and the content.

Firstly, there’s the beautiful photography that’s been used on the Homepage – shots of schoolchildren enjoying learning or looking studious, and generally lots of smiles.
The website also has an Our Community section. This is a great place for the school to not just shout about how they involve pupils in the community (the School Council, consisting of representatives from each class, and Eco Warriors (a group of pupils who drive initiatives in and around the school) but to showcase staff and governors.
The Showcasing Our Work section is the school’s opportunity to display work created by pupils in picture form – a great way for the children to feel proud about their work. Finally, the Vision & Aims section shows that the school really are clear on what they’re about, and why they are a school worth considering.
To view Elloughton Primary School’s School Jotter website click here. To find out how your school website can reflect your vision, values and ethos, get in touch with us here.