Website of the Week – Schoolanywhere


Now, I’ll admit, this one is a little bit cheeky – Schoolanywhere is one of our own websites, dedicated to promoting the Moodle VLE. Earlier this year, faced with an outdated, non-responsive theme and the potential changes from Google’s “Mobilegeddon”, the decision was made to redesign Schoolanywhere on the School Jotter platform, utilising our new uber themes.
We did this for a number of reasons, the most prominent being that companies should “eat their own dog food” – if a product isn’t good enough for us to use ourselves, why would we expect customers to pay us for access? This would therefore be the perfect opportunity to put School Jotter through its paces as a business CMS, to see if it could replace the old WordPress-based theme.
Additionally, it was done so that those of us in the Marketing team could get some hands-on experience with Jotter, taking the old content and porting it into the new platform. Speaking personally, it was my first experience building a proper Jotter website, and I have to say (and not just because it’s my job), it really is easy to use. Pages can be created and edited simply from within the interface, and they come out looking pretty good, if I say so myself!
You might notice that Schoolanywhere is using a unique theme (though you can see very similar themes on Healthanywhere, Homeworkanywhere and the Education Technology 2015 site), this was created through consultation with our designers – a very similar process to the one our customers go through when they create their Jotter websites.
Overall, by using School Jotter we were able to quickly and easily create a great-looking, responsive website for one of our flagship offerings. It’s easy to update, integrates with our other websites and provides information in a simple, attractive format – we couldn’t be happier with our School Jotter site, and that’s why Schoolanywhere is our School jotter of the week.