Website of the Week – Great Heights Cluster


It’s not really fair to call this post a “school website” of the week – instead we’re going to be looking at Great Heights Cluster, a group of eight primaries and one secondary in Bradford, from areas including Queensbury, Great Horton and Clayton Heights – the cluster name comes from the combination of the latter two.
A unique example of school cooperation, clusters are a great example of schools working together independently of the LEA, and it’s clear from this website that it’s a partnership of equals. No one school gets colour- or crest-prominence, instead the dominant motif is that of a colour rainbow – a fitting design for harmonious cooperation. It’s important to note that the crest is also fully interactive – click on one of the logos to visit that school’s website.
What’s interesting as well is the diversity of website providers seen within the cluster itself. Of the nine constituent schools, only two use School Jotter themselves, but we think it’s quite telling that, when it came to the need for an overarching system, they went with us! Overall, how the site ties the nine institutions together is very clever, and it all comes together nicely in a unified package.
We really think that Great Heights demonstrates that School Jotter doesn’t just have to be for schools. It’s a modern, flexible and easy-to-use platform that can comfortably accommodate pretty much any institution. As schools increasingly work together, we look forward to hopefully welcoming many similar organisations in future!