Embedding Google Translate in your school website

Category: Customer Training


We’ve found that schools really like this feature, so today I’m going to be showing you how to add a Google Translate button to your website using the Embedded Code widget. First of all, you’re going to want to enter your site in Edit mode and visit the page you’d like the button to be displayed on. Then, click Insert item > Embedded Code.
Adding translation tools to a school website
It’ll ask you where you’d like to put the button, just click on the location as you would with any other Jotter item. You’ll then get this window:
Adding translation tools to a school website
A little background information on what we’re doing here – basically, this is the “free HTML” box that we’re adding. It’ll let you add any snippets of things you find across the web, such as interactive content, videos or anything else. You can paste these into the Custom box at the bottom left, though do be very careful what you paste in – code can be malicious!
What we’ve also provided, however, is a group of pre-made widgets for you to insert. The image above shows search widgets, so you can quickly access sites like Google, Wikipedia or Wolfram Alpha. Where we’re looking today, however, is in Miscellaneous.

Adding translation tools to a school website
You can also add hit counters if you like

Just click on the Google translate rectangle there and you’ll be done! It might look a little off at first, but once you’ve saved and published your page you’ll have instant access to Google’s translation services – a lifesaver for ESL students and their parents.Adding translation tools to a school website
Using the widget is as simple as picking a language – Google does the rest. I’d show you an example using my demo site, but it’s full of Latin dummy text, so it wouldn’t really work!
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Advance notice – Jotter Tips of the Week will not be publishing over the Christmas holidays. We expect to publish the last post of the term next week on December 17th. After that, the next update will be on January 7th, nice and ready for the new year!