Jotter Tips: Three Different Ways of Adding Documents

Category: Development


All of our School Jotter users know that you can add documents to your Jotter site, but not all of them know the three different ways you can display them. It’s important to keep your documents up to date, and it’s also important to add them in the most appropriate format.
Whether you’ve got a long list of files you want users to download, a document you want to display directly on the website or just one you want to add as a link, School Jotter allows you to display your documents in three different ways.
Always save your documents as a PDF if possible, as this is a web safe format that makes sure your document will display exactly as intended without any issues.
1. Adding a document directly onto the page.
When first becoming familiar with School Jotter, this is the way of adding a document that users tend to notice. Simply click Insert Item and Document. You’ll be given black bars on your page with a choice of where to insert it. Click where you want to add the document.
Your file system will then open, and if you’ve already uploaded your file you can simply select ‘choose’ next to it. Otherwise, click ‘Upload File’ at the top of the screen. Click ‘add file’ to select a file from your computer, then start upload. Wait for the blue bar to finish the upload, then click ‘OK’. Your document will then display on the site as a PDF that users can scroll through and zoom in on.
school web design
2. Adding a link to a document
If you want to just link to one or two documents on a page, or you want to accompany documents with a description, adding a link to a document might be your best option. Simply type the title of your document onto the page in any text item. Then highlight this text, and underneath the green bar at the top should be a grey one with a series of options.
Blog options
At the end of that is a blue chain link you can click on to insert or edit a link. Click on this, then click ‘file’.
insert edit link
Click on the folder with the magnifying glass to enter your file system, and then select or upload a file as normal. If the file you’ve uploaded is a PDF, you can check ‘open file in browser’ to have it open in a new window on click, otherwise users will have it download to the computer when clicked. Click ‘OK’ and then save and publish and your document will appear as a link on the page. It will look something like this.

3. Add a file list.
File lists are a great way to arrange a group of documents together, and many of our users find them helpful for keeping our policies in. To add a file list, click Insert Item and File List. Click the black bar on the site to choose where to insert it, then navigate to your file system. You can press ‘Select’ next to any file to add it to the file list, and it will appear in ‘selected files’ in the bottom half of the screen.

You can use the arrows at the bottom to re order your files, then press ‘Choose’ at the bottom of the screen to confirm when you’re done selecting them.
Admission arrangements
They’ll appear on your site as above for users to download, and you can edit them any time by going into edit mode, clicking on to the file list and clicking the three dots at the top to add and remove files.

We hope these three ways of adding documents provide you plenty of flexibility when it comes to keeping your site up to date. If you’ve got any other suggestions for ways we can make this easier, please do get in contact and we will be happy to pass on your suggestion.