In Memory of Sophie Gradon

Category: Company News


What a beautiful, honest lady. I had the pleasure of meeting Sophie a couple of months ago at our anti-bullying conference. Sophie was joined by her good friend Zara Holland, Tom Riodon the CEO of Leeds CC, Emma Kenny and Rob Faulkner, an e-safety expert.
I contacted Sophie via her Instagram account in January and asked her if she wanted to take part in a conference discussing the “impact of social media on young children, what can schools do?’’ She responded straight away stating that this was something she felt extremely passionate about.

sophie gradon
Sophie Gradon

To stand up in front of a room full of Headteachers must of been incredibly hard but she did it and was inspirational. I had no idea she was struggling so much. A smile can disguise anything and hers was magical.
Sophie Gradon - Impact of social media on young children
Sophie standing up in front of Headteachers

Schools are facing a poisoned problem with social media and both Sophie and Zara had some answers. No one else is better informed, educated and knowledgable about social media. They spoke about going into schools and talking to the children. The room and everyone in it had a respect for these girls and it was then them who became the teachers.
Watch Sophie’s speech at the Elland Road event:

The full video of the event can be found here.
Cyber bullying is just bullying, plain and simple. Emma Kenny said “the only thing we have to offer is compassion, kindness and love”, Sophie had all three.
The seminar felt special at the time but it’s only now that I realise how much Sophie wanted to make a difference. Sophie, Thank-you so much for helping and making a difference in this battle with social media bullying. You will not be forgotten. The world wasn’t made for one as beautiful as you. X

You will not be forgotten, and neither will be your work to help others, we will continue in your memory until bullying stops.

Sophies slide on Types of Troll:
Sophie Gradon - types of troll
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