How School Mobile Apps Boost Parental Engagement


Technology has already had a massive impact on the education sector, and none more so than mobile technology. We almost take for granted the fact that all manner of information is at our fingertips via mobile phones nowadays, but this can be hugely beneficial in an educational environment. Huge numbers of apps have appeared which are intended to improve the experience in education for pupils, parents and teachers alike. And that there is no doubt that these particularly resonate with young people.

Smartphone Dominance

Considering how culturally ubiquitous the smartphone has become, it is easy to forget that the concept is little more than a decade old. Indeed, the first iPhone only appeared in 2007, yet there are already more mobile devices in the world than people. And with technology on the horizon such as the Internet of Things, we can expect a lot more engagement with a wide variety of devices in the future.
If education is to remain relevant, let alone inspiring, to young people then it must harness mobile technology and the revolution that it represents. Businesses in all industrial sectors are taking advantage of the 24-hour accessibility that mobile phones offer. With the average person spending 90 minutes daily on their mobile phone, and many young people probably exceeding this figure, it is clear that mobile apps already have a captive audience.

Ease of Engagement

So an immediate advantage of mobile apps for schools and educational establishments is the ease of engagement involved. Mobile applications are precisely designed to be accessible, and easy for both parents and young people to both comprehend and utilise. There is no doubt that young people particularly enjoy using such technology, but school mobile apps can also boost parental engagement as well.
One of the big problems for many parents is simply juggling the commitments of their hugely busy lives. Very few of us are in a position where we can solely look after our children, without the need to earn a living. Unfortunately, this can often leave parents in a position where they are unable to engage with their children’s education to the degree that would be preferable.
This is where mobile apps come in. by providing and are easily accessible template, mobile technology can make it easier for parents to participate in the educational process, without having to make a massive commitment. Half an hour can invested here and there with any mobile platform, and young people can begin learning, and engaging with their parents as well, quickly and easily. Aside from bonding and connecting with their children, parents often even learn something from the process; enhancing their own knowledge of technology, and familiarising themselves with new concepts and information.


Another attractive aspect of mobile applications is their affordability. The potential for mobile software to effectively provide additional educational support should not be underestimated. Before the advent of technology, such a role could only be performed by an adult guardian or carer. This would mean parents would either need to be in possession of a significant amount of technical knowledge on a certain subject, or else they would need to hire a specialised tutor. Needless to say, this would turn out to be more expensive, and often time-consuming, than utilising a convenient mobile app.
school mobile app affordability
It should also be stated that mobile apps are particularly intuitive, and deliver an immediate interactivity that appeals to all users. Research indicates that people of all ages learn more quickly and effectively when they are able to interact with information, and this is undoubtedly one of the major strengths of mobile apps. Computer software is precisely designed to be interactive, and this can result in better educational outcomes for pupils, while parents can also pick up the information more readily as well.

Direct Interaction

Mobile apps also open up the possibility of direct interaction between children, parents, and schools. The connectivity of technology means that schools can be copied into the learning process, meaning that it is often possible for parents to communicate directly with teachers, and for the progress of young people to be monitored more easily. This sort of integration was, again, impossible before the advent of mobile technology, and represents a massive advantage of the niche.

Vast Information

And another obvious advantage of the mobile revolution is that it offers children and almost limitless palette of information and subjects to digest. Just a few decades ago, the subjects taught within school environments may have been rather limited, but mobile technology opens up massive possibilities in this area. There really is no boundary to what can be accessed and understood via mobile apps, with the process always being enhanced by rich interactivity and learning environments.
Research indicates that interacting with technology enhances the intelligence and cognitive processes of young people. When coupled with the sheer depth of data that mobile applications can deliver, this means that we are breeding a smarter and more well-rounded generation of young people. As more mobile apps become available, so this process will be enhanced.

Budget Pressure

With pressure on budgets in education departments and schools all over the world, it is clear that mobile apps, and technology in general, can play a major role going forward. If students are to gain access to the best quality of educational material, mobile apps are certainly one of the best sources of this information. Furthermore, they deliver teaching in a form that is compelling and easily comprehensible for young people, and encourage interactivity between children and parents.
It is no wonder that schools are enthusiastically embracing school mobile apps, and classrooms of the future will feature this technology as an inevitable fixture.