School Jotter Call Visual Walk through


I’m sure you’ve heard us talking about the latest development to our School Jotter Mobile App, Jotter calls. If you haven’t, here’s a short explanation:
Jotter Calls is an additional add-on to the School Jotter Mobile App, that lets parents communicate securely with schools through video or voice calls.
So I’m sure that leaves a few questions unanswered – can parents call me whenever they want? Do I have to give my number to parents to access this? Well, this walkthrough will answer those questions and hopefully, any others that you may have. 
Set Up
Just like any of our School Jotter products, the set up of Jotter Call is super easy. If you already have our mobile messaging add on, and we have already integrated your MIS with your School Jotter account, then it will only take a few minutes to get switched on. If you haven’t been through this process yet, worry not! It’s straightforward to go through as we now do Groupcall integration, which means we will most likely be able to get you set up very quickly and painlessly. 
We use MIS integration as it means that all your data is stored securely, it also means that no unnecessary data has to be shared between teachers and parents.
Teacher Journey 
Teachers select their availability times, this means parents can only call when teachers are willing and able to speak to them. Parents can contact teachers easily through the School Jotter App, and teachers can return any missed calls to parents. Having this system integrated into our app, means that teachers and parents can have one consolidated platform to communicate with parents through. Below is a visual walkthrough of the app from the point of view of a teacher using the app.

Parent Journey 
The app is incredibly easy for parents to use and navigate through. As the app will be using data from your MIS, parents will have to sign in to make a call, protecting teachers from being contacted by the general public. Below is a visual walkthrough of the parents journey through School Jotter Calls

If you have any questions about how School Jotter Call could help you, get in touch or click here to find out more.