Website of the Week – Grampian Primary


The design of Grampian Primary’s School Jotter site is what happens when a school takes an active interest in creating a theme. We like to use them as an example of how each school can create a great-looking, unique website, in this case through the creative usage of mascots embodying the school’s values.
The website’s stylised, cartoonish design is perfect for engaging pupils, and shows off a school who like to have a bit of fun, but who also take pastoral care seriously – the school’s mascots are “Creator, Resolver, Teamer, Reacher, Thinker and Reflector”, and we think their site really helps push these values.
The site doesn’t just look good though – it’s easy to get around from the homepage. There’s no rooting around in endless nested menus, all content (including access to the Learn VLE platform) is accessible from the drop-down main menu below the scrolling banner. There’s a distinct danger of such homepages becoming “busy”, but Grampian manages to avoid this through bold usage of titles and great placement of images to break up blocks of text.
As nice as our modern, uber themes can look, sometimes the best-looking sites are the most unique ones. Grampian really does stand out from the crowd with a well-designed, attractive and interesting site, so we’re pleased to make them our School Jotter of the Week.