Website of the Week – Kilmaine Primary School


This week’s Website of the Week comes to us from Bangor in Northern Ireland, just outside of Belfast. Kilmaine is a modern school, evidenced by its buildings and outlook, and needed a website to reflect this.
It’s a bold, clean design which quickly establishes a colour pallette – the child-friendly blue and orange – and puts the school’s motto of “Everyone Counts” front and centre. The “ring-binder” effect down the side of the main body of the site also underlines its educational intent, and adds a little something extra to the overall feel of the site.
The school have made great use of some of the embeddable items in Jotter Site for their homepage – at time of writing, the first thing you can’t fail to notice is a slideshow of a museum trip, the images effectively shown off using the Slideshow item. Below this we can see a calendar (see our post the other day for information on how to set up and automate these), as well as a Google Map (these look great, are helpful for parents and students, and only require a postcode to set up!).
Overall, Kilmaine’s website is bold, modern and forward-thinking – a perfect reflection of the school itself!