Embedding a readable document in School Jotter

Category: Customer Training


Ofsted requires that you include certain documents on your school website, and all this means at its minimum is that they must be provided as downloads. But, for accessibility, wouldn’t it be nicer to have them readable and embedded on your website? You can probably see where this is going – yes, School Jotter lets you do that! First of all, take a look at this page for an example of what I’m talking about.
Setting this up is easy – first of all we’re going to go into Edit mode, click Insert Item, then choose Document.
Embedding a readable document in School Jotter
You’ll be asked where you want to put it, as usual with these things. Then it’ll bring up the File Upload dialog box – we’ve gone over this before, but for everyone’s benefit here’s how that works again. Navigate to the folder you want to put the file in (or create a new folder using the Add Folder button at the top), then click Upload File.
Embedding a readable document in School Jotter
You’ll get the following dialog box and can add your own documents here:
Embedding a readable document in School Jotter
Note that not every filetype is supported (unsupported types will still be downloadable but will only display as a download link) – the full list of supported types is txt, text, rtf, htm, html, xhtml, pdf, doc, docx, xl, xla, xlc, xlm, xls, xlt, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pps, pot, ppsx, odt, ods, odp, odg, wp5, wpd, and pub. Click Add File or drag your file into the box, then click Start Upload, followed by OK. It should work its magic and leave you with this:
Embedding a readable document in School Jotter
You can customise the width and height of the box through the grey bar that appears at the top of the page when clicking on the element. The controls along the top of the document will let you navigate it, and will work across devices (including mobiles).
Now save and publish the page and you’re done!