Webanywhere Is 10 Today! | Webanywhere Blog

Category: Company News


Blow up some balloons, bake a cake, pop to Clinton Cards if you need to… Because Webanywhere is 10 years old today!

Way back on 29th August, 2003, Sean Gilligan registered Webanywhere Ltd and, from his bedroom, began creating websites for schools in and around West Yorkshire.

Within two years Webanywhere had moved into its first office, and customer numbers were heading skywards rapidly. The growth has continued ever since, with a move to larger premises a year later as customers, staff numbers and product range steadily increased – and went global.

To mark this milestone event, we have a few special announcements to make over the coming weeks – but for now, Sean, Webanywhere’s owner and founder, had this to say:

“I am proud to be celebrating the fact that Webanywhere is ten years old today. We have thousands of customers around the world to thank – if it wasn’t for them, and our dedicated Webanywhere team, reaching this milestone would have been a much harder feat. Let’s crack open the champagne!”

Here’s what the first ten years of Webanywhere have looked like:


2003: Our MD, Sean, sets up Webanywhere Ltd

2004: We deliver our first website to The Holy Family School, Keighley

2005: We move to our first office space in Keighley, West Yorkshire

2006: We become an open-source LMS partner and expand into a larger office

2007: We launch our first homegrown product, Spellanywhere

2008: We release School Jotter – one of the first school-specific CMSs

2009: Learner Journey is released – the e-portfolio system for schools

2010: As Learnanywhere, our primary school VLE is released, the Webanywhere, Inc. office is opened in Philadelphia, USA

2011: We exhibit at the BETT Show for the first time, as the company is split into Primary, Secondary and Workplace divisions

2012: 100 employees reached, as Webanywhere becomes an approved supplier to the Government Procurement Service in the UK. Webanywhere Sp. z o.o is founded and an office opened in Katowice, Poland. We also launch School Jotter 2

2013: We begin providing tailored broadband services for schools with School Broadband, Sean appears on the BBC – and we celebrate our 10th birthday!