Our New App: Surveys | Webanywhere Blog


We’ve already hinted at the forthcoming arrival of our new Surveys app (in our app guide, which you can find a link to here). As its arrival gets closer, here’s the full lowdown on this exciting new addition to our app suite.

The purpose of the Surveys app, much like the rest of the education apps we have launched at various stages over the last five months, is to make teachers’ lives easier.

We’ve already covered the basics with the apps already available, of course: there’s School Jotter of course (the app for this is merely titled Site) which is your tool for building an engaging school website; School Merits is your online rewards system; Jotter Learn is the next generation of learning platform; and Bloganywhere, which is an intuitive blogging tool, and already proving to be a hit in schools across the UK.

Now, as our app suite becomes more and more populated, we’re branching out into apps that cover other tasks that, as a teacher, will help you with your job. One of these is the new Surveys app.

Surveys does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a very simple idea, but also very useful. It allows a teacher, or school, to create a survey about anything and aimed at anyone. It came into being after we’d received requests that ranged from a product that allowed parents to book parent’s evening slots, to suggestions for a website add-on that allowed visitors to rate your website’s features.

Surveys allows you to create survey of any length, and with different  question types for you to choose from. This is probably best described by an image of the app, showing how the question-type options work:

surveys screenshot
As you can see, the variety of question types means you can use the survey for just about anything: to create a form for parents to fill in to request parents’ evening slots, or to get feedback on your website from visitors. Most importantly, any survey you create can be added to any page of your School Jotter website.

Surveys can be created that are only accessible in-school too, via your app dashboard.

The feature we like best in Surveys however is the survey results. The app takes the results of every submission and colates them into useful graphs. So, at a glance, you can see all the feedback you’ve received.

It saves you having to go through endless paper questionnaires and totting up your results!

The Surveys app is available now to order. You can request a demo today here.