Creative Uses for School Jotter Apps

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School Jotter is the UK’s number one primary school website system. It has been extended to include a suite of education apps so that many aspects of a school’s teaching and learning activities can be supported online, on one website, from one easy to use dashboard interface.
Let’s take a look at two of the most popular apps, Blog and Learn.

Blogging for Schools

The Blog app allows teachers and pupils to create multimedia posts – for instance, a teacher’s explanation of recent class activities, a writing competition, or reflections on a school trip – and to share their feedback and thoughts with each other.
This content can be published across other apps, such as the school’s main website. This allows the wider school community to view selected posts or entire blogs, and add their own, moderated, comments.
Step 1 – Teacher writes a blog post:

School Jotter Blog App
School Jotter Blog App

Step 2 – Which is published on the school’s website:
School Jotter Teacher Blog

Learning and Teaching Resources

The Learn app lets teachers create and share mini websites that are more than a list of Powerpoints and videos. They can include interactive quizzes, assignments and collaborative learning tools such as the wiki.
Learning sites can be shared among the school or with the wider School Jotter Community to quickly recycle common content every year, or share teaching ideas and learning materials.
learn great fire of london

A hub for your e-learning needs

With these, and the 12 other apps that comprise the School Jotter suite, you can turn your school website into a hub for digital learning activity that is easy to learn and manage and is fully supported by Webanywhere, a leading company in the educational learning business.
In addition, SIMS integration gives seamless and complete integration with your school’s user database so that School Jotter is always up to date with parent, pupil and staff information, with no administration overhead.
Sign up for a free 30 day trial of School Jotter here.