Website Of The Week: Birchfields


A picture tells a thousand words – and on Birchfields Primary School’s new School Jotter 2 school website, a slideshow of creative photographs bring the school to life.
Each photograph on their homepage includes a line that sums up the school’s ethos and aims, with colourful images showing the school, pupils and the work they have done.
The Manchester school’s website is full of great content, too: rather than just populate every page with as much text as they possibly can, there’s just enough for potential parents and casual visitors to take in, and get an understanding of what Birchfields is all about. Our favourite bit is the B-Force section – a page dedicated to the pupils’ school council, made up of children from each year group between 2 and 6.
This colourful, welcoming website is completed by great images of children created on the footer of each page – all part of the school website design that includes their wonderful strapline: ‘enjoying the opportunities to achieve.’
You can view Birchfields Primary School’s website by clicking here.