• How to…add a form to your School Jotter 2 website

    School Jotter 2 allows you to add forms to your school website.  This is the perfect way to get feedback […]

  • The School Jotter blog – showcasing the best in school website design

    Welcome to the new School Jotter blog.  Here we will showcase the latest new School Jotter sites, detail the new […]

  • Learnanywhere Conference | Webanywhere Blog

    Now that Learnanywhere is up and running in a lot of Primary Schools we felt that it would be a [...]
  • Get More for Less from your ICT Budget

    Michael Gove has made the decision that the Harnessing Technology Grant for 2010/11 will be cut by £100 million to […]

  • Fantastic Social Media Tool for Teachers

    Teachers are becoming open to the possibilities for social media tools in the classroom. In the hands of the right […]

  • The 5 Principles that Drive an LMS

    Webanywhere customers that are LMS users may be interested to read that the core functionality of the world’s most popular […]

  • Teachers Pick Technology over Text Books

    A recent survey by the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) has revealed that just 2% of primary school teachers believed […]

  • Create Amazing Primary School Learning Experiences

    Learnanywhere integrates Global Grid for Learning (GGfL) digital resources In September this year we launched Learnanywhere, the new easy to […]

  • Helping Schools to Meet the ICT Funding Challenge

    Following the spending review Webanywhere has released new pricing packages to help schools beat the cuts and improve their efficiency. […]

  • 3 Tips for Building a Great School Website

    Sharing your school news with the world means nothing more than customising  a web page template with your text and […]

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