Webanywhere Is 10 Today! | Webanywhere Blog

Category: Company News

Published: August 29, 2013

Blow up some balloons, bake a cake, pop to Clinton Cards if you need to… Because Webanywhere is 10 years old today!

Way back on 29th August, 2003, Sean Gilligan registered Webanywhere Ltd and, from his bedroom, began creating websites for schools in and around West Yorkshire.

Within two years Webanywhere had moved into its first office, and customer numbers were heading skywards rapidly. The growth has continued ever since, with a move to larger premises a year later as customers, staff numbers and product range steadily increased – and went global.

To mark this milestone event, we have a few special announcements to make over the coming weeks – but for now, Sean, Webanywhere’s owner and founder, had this to say:

“I am proud to be celebrating the fact that Webanywhere is ten years old today. We have thousands of customers around the world to thank – if it wasn’t for them, and our dedicated Webanywhere team, reaching this milestone would have been a much harder feat. Let’s crack open the champagne!”

Here’s what the first ten years of Webanywhere have looked like:


2003: Our MD, Sean, sets up Webanywhere Ltd

2004: We deliver our first website to The Holy Family School, Keighley

2005: We move to our first office space in Keighley, West Yorkshire

2006: We become an open-source LMS partner and expand into a larger office

2007: We launch our first homegrown product, Spellanywhere

2008: We release School Jotter – one of the first school-specific CMSs

2009: Learner Journey is released – the e-portfolio system for schools

2010: As Learnanywhere, our primary school VLE is released, the Webanywhere, Inc. office is opened in Philadelphia, USA

2011: We exhibit at the BETT Show for the first time, as the company is split into Primary, Secondary and Workplace divisions

2012: 100 employees reached, as Webanywhere becomes an approved supplier to the Government Procurement Service in the UK. Webanywhere Sp. z o.o is founded and an office opened in Katowice, Poland. We also launch School Jotter 2

2013: We begin providing tailored broadband services for schools with School Broadband, Sean appears on the BBC – and we celebrate our 10th birthday!

And The Winners Are… | Webanywhere Blog

Category: Company News

Published: July 31, 2013



Back in June 2013 Webanywhere launched two competitions: One was to win an e-learning package, including Learnanywhere and Learner Journey, worth over £4000. The other was to win School Jotter 2 upgrade, our school website package, valued at almost £2000.

All schools had to do was fill in a short survey that asked which e-learning products they currently use, if any. A school was then picked at random as a winner for each competition.

The lucky winner of the School Jotter 2 upgrade was St Andrew’s Junior School, Colchester, who will now benefit from a more attractive website design and features like an app for parents – allowing them to access the latest school news via smartphones and tablet computers.

South Elmsall Carlton Junior & Infant School, Wakefield, was the other lucky winner, who won the e-learning package. This will allow teachers to upload work, set self-marking tests and take online registers. In addition it will also provide children with access to their homework, allow them to take tests and also play educational games.

If you want to be our next competition winner, make sure that you keep your eyes peeled when schools return in September!

Local Entrepreneur Inspires Future Business Leaders

Published: July 9, 2013

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Last week, Webanywhere’s Managing Director, Sean Gilligan, shared his story and experiences with Year 9 students at Holy Family Catholic School, Bradford, for their Enterprise Day. Sean inspired the school by explaining how starting up your own business can be an exciting and rewarding career choice for school leavers.

After his presentation Sean set an Apprentice style task, where pupils were split into groups of eight. Each group had to pick a name for themselves and assign a Project Manager, who then led their team in completing the task, which was to identify a problem in the school and solve it.

After a brainstorming session, each team presented to the rest of the Year 9 students and teachers, with innovative and inspired ideas. These included a salad bar for the school and a student support service. The teachers then scored them out of ten in the style of the Strictly Come Dancing judging panel.

The winning idea was thought up by the group ‘8 Minds’. They came up with the idea of having an ‘Electro-card’, a swipe card that could be used to pay for things in school, for example dinners or trips. This card could then be topped up by parents, avoiding the need for cash in school.

The teams who presented the top three ideas were all given Webanywhere goodie bags.

Sean Gilligan said: “Enterprise Day was a great exercise for Year 9 students to generate creative business ideas. Starting your own company can be within anyone’s grasp ­ and I hope some of these young people at Holy Family Catholic School will be business leaders for Bradford and West Yorkshire in years to come.”

For more information about what Webanywhere do for schools, or to learn more about our work with the community, email me at lucy.smith@webanywhere.co.uk.

Webanywhere's Event Season is Almost Over

Category: Company News

Published: June 27, 2013


Here at Webanywhere we’ve had a busy few months, packed full of events. The season kicked off with Getting I.T Right in Hull at the end of April. Since then we’ve attended over 16 others, including COBIS, E2BN, Imoot, as well as hosting our own Nurturing Online Learning series.

Continue reading

Sean Gilligan on BBC Breakfast News with Susanna Reid and Bill Turnbull

Published: April 30, 2013


Webanywhere’s Managing Director Sean Gilligan was a guest on yesterday’s BBC Breakfast News TV show presented by Susanna Reid and Bill Turnbull, discussing the possibility of including gardening as part of the revised National Curriculum.

Sean was interviewed alongside Chris Collins, Blue Peter’s resident gardener, who participated from his own back garden in London promoting the benefits this new subject could bring to the children, such as physical exercise and team work.
Sean expressed his support too, stating that what he would like to see is “gardening combined with entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education”. “Kids need to get out of the classroom. Their learning environment affects their engagement, and engagement in education is so, so important” he added.

During the interview, he highlighted the importance of having an entrepreneurial mindset even at an early stage. From his point of view, employability is fundamental for the education process, and should start at Primary schools.

You can watch Sean’s appearance on the video below.

Learnanywhere Conference | Webanywhere Blog

Published: February 24, 2011

Now that Learnanywhere is up and running in a lot of Primary Schools we felt that it would be a good time to offer some hands on training for users to show them how to get the most out of the platform. To facilitate this we’ve organised our first Learnanywhere conference which will be at the Mint Hotel, Leeds, on Friday 8th April.

Delegates at this conference will be given some practical guidance on making use of Learnanywhere’s features, get an opportunity to see how content from a range of providers, including Espresso, I am Learning and the Global Grid for Learning can be incorporated into Learnanywhere to produce engaging and varied multimedia driven lessons. The latest features of Learnanywhere will also be demonstrated for the first time, allowing delegates to see how easily SIMS can be integrated into their Learnanywhere website and working through the ways in which this can help to streamline administrative and reporting tasks in school.

The Conference also features the highly acclaimed speaker James Knight of IMA Strategies who will be talking about different communication types and the way they interact online, along with Resource exhibitions, networking opportunities and a chance to share ideas about any aspect of teaching, learning or ICT use in schools.

Click here to read more about the Learnanywhere conference, or e-mail marketing@webanywhere.co.uk to ask any questions you have about the conference.

School Website Success | Webanywhere Blog

Published: October 20, 2010

Another happy Webanywhere customer!

We’re delighted that the South Wales Evening Post has included a good news story from one of our customer schools. The article is reproduced below.

“A LLANELLI primary is on the button when it comes to its website. Dafen school’s website has recently reached a significant landmark, receiving 15,000 hits on its home page — with just over 40,000 pages read. This feat has been achieved since the site went live in March 2009.

School ICT co-ordinator Stuart Jacobs said: “The website has been a great success since it first went live and continues to be a valuable asset to the school.”

The website celebrates the successes of the school, as well as being used as a communication tool for parents and pupils.

The company that supports the website — Webanywhere — recently awarded the site four stars, out of a possible five.”

Visit Dafen Primary School’s website for further details.

Website Updates & Redesigns | Webanywhere Blog


As you will have noticed we have now completely redesigned our main Webanywhere.co.uk interface to provide clearer signposting of our main content areas. Over the next few weeks we’ll also be launching new versions of our product-specific microsites for Learnanywhere, Student Jotter, School Jotter, JotterCMS and Payschool.

We’ll be adding blog posts detailing new product functionality as when it’s available so why not bookmark this page.

New Business Support in Keighley

Category: Company News

Published: September 30, 2010

Webanywhere MD creates a place where people and their business ideas come together
Our MD, Sean Gilligan, has started an initiative called Co-Working Keighley. Local people who want to start their own business can develop their ideas in collaboration with like-minded others, speeding up the time taken to develop and launch their business projects.
Sean’s goal for Co-Working Keighley is to provide free support and mentoring from a circle of subject experts that will help other people to become successful in business and create jobs for the local community.
Part of Webanywhere’s company office has already been partitioned off to create desk space for the first batch of co-workers, who are free to use the office area for full time or occasional use.
All new members of Co-Working Keighley will be given their own free website to get their business underway. At the office site, free parking is available plus gym facilities. In addition members can expect free mentoring in a wide range of subject areas, free WiFi, hot desking, tea and coffee. Now add a games room with Playstation, Wii, Pool and Table Football, and other like-minded creative people keen to meet, support and encourage. That’s Co-Working Keighley.
Full details, including how to apply to join Co-Working Keighley, are available from the Co-Working Keighley website.

New Product Launched – Learnanywhere Learning Platform For Primary Schools

Published: September 28, 2010

We are pleased to announce that Learnanywhere, our easier to use yet powerful learning platform,  is now available to Primary Schools.
Learnanywhere was developed in response to Primary Schools’ need for an easier-to-use VLE that promotes learning both within and outside the classroom without the technical complexity or higher cost of alternative systems.
With the ability to combine original and third party content, personal management tools and ‘always on’ accessibility, the new Learnanywhere Primary School platform is a unique teaching and learning tool that
• Rewards personal effort and attainment by primary age children;
• Supports time-pressured teachers (lesson content can be created, and work assessed online in minutes);
• Enables more engaging school-home links.
As well as reinforcing key curriculum learning outcomes, Learnanywhere provides students with rewarding fun, inspiring them to make regular use of their personalised learning platform. In the form of an on-screen avatar ‘buddy’, children can collect rewards for effort and attainment, contribute within their community, engage in a variety of lessons, quizzes and other activities, and chat and play games online with their friends.
Visit the website for more on our learning platform for primary schools (learnanywhere.co.uk) or call us free on 0800 862 0131.