The Ultimate School App List

Category: Infographics

Published: July 5, 2016

Feel free to share and use our latest infographic, which shows some of the best School Jotter apps available in the UK and worldwide. We hope you enjoy it!


The Ultimate School App List


Thousands of student apps are being released every month and it’s almost impossible for teachers to test them all in order to find out which ones are best for their students.

To help you with this, we compiled a list of the best School Jotter apps available in the market that really help students with their everyday learning as well as schools to promote themselves to parents.

#1 The Site App

What is it? – An app that allows you to easily build your school website and edit it at anytime from anywhere.

Features: Translates pages to any language
Analyse visitor numbers and page clicks
Display key dates in one place
Bespoke designs to reflect the colours and ethos of your school
Adding content and pages is quick and easy

#2 The School Merits App

What is it? – This is an online rewards system where you can reward pupils
for good work or behaviour.

Features: Avatar that represents each pupil online
Pupil progress reports can be generated and printed out
Avatar accessories. Add your own items for pupils to buy
Merits integrates with other apps from Webanywhere
School Merits is available to all schools, free of charge

#3 The Surveys App

What is it? – An online survey builder where you can create questionnaires for both inside and outside of school.

Features: Share surveys with pupils, parents and the community
Preset surveys
Emb surveys onto your school website
Create reports to see the responses to your surveys
Make your surveys more visual and easier to complete

#4 The Spellings App

What is it? – Create and share online spelling tests with lists for practice and revision.

Features: Create custom lists
Emb them onto your school website or any other website
Pupils can access spelling lists from anywhere

#5 The Portfolio App

What is it? – ePortfolio for pupils that can be used to display classwork online.

Features: An online space for pupils to share their work
Pupils can choose from a range of colourful backgrounds
Teachers can comment in any page, and give pupils feedback

To learn more about these apps and how they can benefit you and your school, get in touch with our experts at Webanywhere.

Homework: Beneficial or Harmful? [Infographic]

Category: Infographics

Published: April 12, 2016

Check out our infographic on the pros and cons of homework in primary schools. Teachers should take them into consideration when deciding whether homework is beneficial for their students.
Homework infographic
Homework: Beneficial or Harmful for pupils?
No homework policy has been implemented in several countries, however, some experts still argue on its benefits for student learning.
The Pros

  • Homework helps students consolidate what was taught during the school day.
  • It lets parents learn what their kids are doing at school.
  • Development of self-discipline, time management and research skills.
  • Homework facilitates rote learning

The Cons

  • Homework can be very stressful for students.
  • It drains pupils’ free time for playing, sports and hobbies.
  • Students feel their family time is reduced.
  • Hatred for a subject can be developed due to the workload.

There in no doubt that homework in primary schools should be as light as possible. Teachers should always try and make it fun by using learning apps like the ones on School Jotter to increase pupils engagement.

Easter Egg Decoration Ideas for the Classroom

Category: Infographics

Published: March 15, 2016

It’s that time of the year again, when primary teachers comb the web looking for creative ideas for crafts in the classroom. Eating too many Easter eggs can be unhealthy for pupils due to the high amounts of sugar they contain. Therefore, teachers can keep them busy with creative DIY crafts instead of hiding sugary chocolate eggs all over the classroom.
Let your students feel the Easter spirit by being creative, decorating their own Easter eggs. Some of the greatest Easter egg ideas can be found in this infographic:
Easter Egg Decoration Ideas for the Classroom
Boost learning in the classroom with School Jotter’s Resources app! Create and save your own resources or find hundreds of readily-available ones, easily searchable within the app and share them with teachers in your school.

Quick & Easy Easter Crafts for Primary Schools

Published: March 7, 2016

Easter is fast approaching and primary teachers are looking for quick and easy ideas to engage students with DIY crafting. With that in mind, we created the infographic below, where teachers and pupils can find some of the greatest and simplest craft ideas for the classroom.
Many teachers are using our Resources app to store all the great ideas, documents and images they create or find online. This helps them to enhance the learning experience of pupils every Easter.
Quick & Easy Easter Crafts for Primary Schools

How to Design an Awesome School Website

Published: February 29, 2016

Schools should always make sure they meet Ofsted requirements when it comes to their website content and structure. It is also very important their school website design looks outstanding in order to appeal to parents, teachers and pupils.
A big majority of school websites look too colourful and it’s hard to read their content, so we thought to create an infographic with school website design tips as a guide for schools to take into consideration when they built their own website.
We hope you enjoy it!
school website design, school web design
Since 2003, School Jotter have been working with thousands of schools across the UK and worldwide to develop the best school website and e-learning software. We always make sure our school web design reflects the ethos of each individual school.

Infographic: Reward Systems in Primary Schools

Category: Infographics

Published: November 18, 2015

Many education experts argue on the effectiveness of reward systems in schools. Traditional rewards like stickers and sweets are losing their value, as nowadays students are more interested in virtual goods like avatars and accessories. Our School Merits app (free to Webanywhere customers) motivates students to go the extra mile by providing them with Merit points, which can be used to purchase avatar accessories, donate to charities or even buy other items of their choice.
We’ve created the infographic below to show the main advantages and disadvantages of using reward systems in schools.Reward systems in primary schools