School Jotter 4.5 update

Category: Release notes

Published: April 13, 2016

We’ve just pushed the latest update to School Jotter live. You might have noticed these are coming more frequently now – we’re aiming for smaller, more frequent, more agile releases every two weeks, rather than a big one every few months.


  • A new Files Download element has been added that allows you to share files and folders to your school website.
  • Pinterest has been added to the social networks list (compatible bespoke themes only.)
  • Extra security has been added to blogs that have been embedded on the website.
  • An issue that broke pagination of embedded blogs has been resolved.
  • An issue where CSV results were exported incorrectly from Forms has been resolved.
  • An issue where images could not be removed from News stories has been resolved.

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School Jotter 4.4 is here

Published: March 31, 2016

If you logged into School Jotter this morning, you might have noticed a few changes. Or perhaps not, a lot of what we’re doing is behind the scenes and designed to make School Jotter run better than ever.

System Changes

  • The way we display graphs has improved in our Surveys, Spellings, MIS Portal, and Merits apps.
  • Stability, performance and security changes.


  • The School Jotter app store can now be accessed via the blue + at the bottom right of the dashboard.

Why not try a new app to enhance the functionality of School Jotter? Many are available on a 30 day, no-obligation FREE trial!

Office 365 Integration

  • Synchronisation has been improved when using multiple Office 365 calendars.
  • Word, Excel and Powerpoint shortcut tiles display when that user has logged in with an Office 365 account.

Does your school use Office 365? Ask your account manager about our School Jotter / Office 365 integration.

Site App

  • Slideshow captions can contain special characters and there is no limit to their length. (If your school’s website doesn’t support customisable header slideshows then call us to discuss getting a theme redesign. We can refresh, update, and modernise your school’s image at the same time!)
  • Improvements to site search security and performance.
  • Changes have been made to help improve SEO.
  • An issue that prevented some of February’s webstat data from loading has been resolved.
  • An issue that affected private page permissions has been resolved.
  • An issue where apostrophes were occasionally shown incorrectly in emails that were sent out has been resolved.
  • An issue where accordions could have an incorrect layout has been addressed.

Have you tried inserting an accordion to your website? It’s great for FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions.)

Broadcast App

  • Reliability of sending SMS text messages has been improved.
  • A character count has been added when composing SMS text messages.

Learn App

  • Admin users can view and manage all learning sites.
  • An issue with the styling of Wiki Resources has been resolved.
  • An issue with the display of Animated Sequence Resources has been resolved.
  • An issue with saving Link Resources in the resource manager has been resolved.

SIMS Integration

  • Users that are disabled in SIMS will now also be disabled in School Jotter upon the next sync.
  • Admins can now choose not to sync email addresses from SIMS for certain user roles. This is really useful if you store parent emails against student records in SIMS.

Purple Mash Integration

  • Single Sign On (SSO) will now work for users that do not have their firstname and surname saved in their School Jotter profile.

Picture Logins

  • An issue where incorrect picture login passwords could be generated has been resolved.

Address Book

  • The address book will now show a count of how many contacts have been selected.

Don’t forget to press the ? icon to the right of your username at any time to bring the help sheets and videos up in an adjacent tab, this is especially useful for the All Apps Help section!

School Jotter 4.3 release notes

Category: Release notes

Published: February 5, 2016

School Jotter will be updated to version 4.3 this evening. This is a minor release bringing a few patches and bugfixes. For more information on any of these changes, please contact

  • Purple Mash Single Sign-On has been added, this can be configured in Admin app > Purple Mash. Note this requires the school has their own Purple Mash account details.
  • Picture Logins have been added as an option for student accounts, this can be added in Admin app > Login Settings.
  • Stability, performance and security changes.


  • A new accordion element has been added, this allows rows of collapsible information to be added (such as Terms and Conditions, FAQs, etc.)
  • Changes have been made to the footer copyright details, on some tenants, to help improve SEO.


  • Leading and trailing whitespace will now be ignored when evaluating whether a spelling is correct or not.


  • Safety Shield messages can be marked as read/unread, previously it was only possible to delete these messages.


  • It is now possible to view more information when SMS text messages have failed to send.